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10 Secrets to Finding Space in Your Small Custom Closet System

Mike Merritt • Apr 13, 2023
10 Secrets to Finding Space in Your Small Custom Closet System

Sometimes, no matter how great your custom closet is, you may still struggle to keep the space looking organized, especially if the closet is small. There are, however, some great ways to maximize storage in a small space. Here are 10 of our favorite secrets to finding space in your small custom closet system

  • Rotate your wardrobe
  • Maximize hanging storage
  • Use shelf dividers to maximize space
  • Stack or hang your shoes
  • Get rid of clutter
  • Use baskets or bins
  • Hang multipurpose hooks along the walls
  • Use the back of your door
  • Hang your pants on tiered hangers
  • Install drawers in the closet

Rotate your wardrobe

One of the biggest secrets to finding more space in a small closet is rotating your wardrobe every season. Clear out your heavy sweaters and pants when it is time for warmer weather, and pack them away somewhere else. Do the same thing in the fall when the weather is getting chillier, and pack away your shorts and t-shirts. This will help a lot with clearing out and creating some much-needed space.

Maximize hanging storage

The more you can hang up, the more you will have up off the floor. Use hanging organizers to hang up as many items as you can, whether it be for accessories, clothing, or even jewelry. There are so many different ones that you can get. Choose the organizers that work best for you and your closet.

Custom Closet Systems

Use shelf dividers to maximize space

Shelves are great for providing storage space, but sometimes they can get cluttered and messy, with items falling off or getting lost in the pile. Help keep your closet shelves organized by using shelf dividers to maximize your shelf space. They will prevent your folded clothing from falling over and making a mess.

Stack or hang your shoes

Shoes tend to create clutter in a small space, so it is important to find a way to organize them in your closet. There are many options for storing shoes. Shoe fences create space on shelves, while other shoe organizers rest on or just above the floor.

Custom Closet Systems

Use baskets or bins

Baskets and bins work wonders for helping to clean up and organize your belongings, and they come in such a range of colors, sizes, and styles, that you can easily find some to suit your needs and decor. Martha Stewart hails storage bins as one of the best organizing products to use. Set the bins along your shelves to keep your items stored neatly.

Hang multipurpose hooks along the walls

Maximize all of your vertical space within the closet by incorporating multipurpose hooks along the walls of the closet. Hooks are available in a range of sizes and styles, just like storage bins, so depending on what you’re looking for, you will be able to find some that suit your needs. If you’re using them for larger items like outdoor clothing, then choose bigger hooks that can withstand the weight.

Custom Closet Systems

Hang your pants on tiered hangers

Tiered hangers are a great way to maximize space in a small closet, as you can fit up to five pairs of pants on one tiered hanger. This helps you to make the most of your vertical space, hanging the pants on tiered levels, but only taking up the space of one hanger. These hangers are a great solution for small spaces.

Install drawers in the closet

Even though you would be adding furniture into a small closet, drawers have value when it comes to helping to organize a small space. They not only give you space for your folded clothes, but you could also choose a countertop that you could use to set up smaller items like your jewelry or accessories.


Even if you are working with a small closet, there are lots of ways you can maximize your space and keep your space looking neat and tidy. Try incorporating a few of these secrets to get your small closet looking the way you want it to.


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