Blog Post

Set Your DVR for De-Cluttering Tips

Mike Merritt • Apr 03, 2018

Organization expert Peter Walsh, often seen on Oprah, is scheduled to be on the Rachael Ray show tomorrow – Wednesday, Feb. 24 – to help a messy mom get her house in order.

His Web site offers some good tips for organizing shoes, which we often hear is a challenge for our clients. His advice starts with gathering them, sorting them into groups by how frequently you wear them, only keeping those you love and wear, then finding the storage solutionfor them.

So let us handle finding the perfect storage set-up to you keep them organized from now on. We will help you tackle your shoe challenges that you and your family members face, which we know can be frustrating.

Life Uncluttered
Leawood, KS 66224

Phone:  (816) 992-5312

Monday - Saturday: 9:00am- 5:00pm

Sunday: Closed

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