Blog Post

The Problem with De-Cluttering

Mike Merritt • Apr 03, 2018

Do you remember a couple of blog posts we shared with you that discussed the psychological choke hold that clutter creates? We came across this excerpt from Build Direct and just had to share it. Many people embark on their own de-cluttering solutions, even spending money on storage mechanisms that mostly hide clutter when really you should be getting rid of it. Does your de-cluttering method go anything like this?

Where many of us go wrong when dealing with clutter is, we do cosmetic work but don’t get rid of things. We clean up, disguise the chaos, but open that closet, or those boxes, or that drawer, and nothing but a jumble of stuff waits you.

To get started with clutter, look past the chaos that’s there already, accept that things are gonna get a whole lot uglier before they get prettier, and start — get a plan, and do it.

De-cluttering is a powerful way to take charge of your life, but it’s a difficult and deeply personal process for some, hence why it makes compelling TV. Just look at shows like Hoarders, Clean Sweep, and Enough Already! with Peter Walsh.

We couldn’t agree more. And at Life Uncluttered, we offer more than just organizational solutions. We offer solutions that improve your quality of life at home. Isn’t that important to you? If so, then call us today to find out how we can help you to cut the clutter.

Life Uncluttered
Leawood, KS 66224

Phone:  (816) 992-5312

Monday - Saturday: 9:00am- 5:00pm

Sunday: Closed

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