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Top 3 Ideas for a Laundry Room Organization Renovation

Mike Merritt • Oct 27, 2022
Top 3 Ideas for a Laundry Room Organization Renovation

Laundry day may not be your idea of a fun time, but it’s going to come around with regularity anyway. You need clean clothes, so you don’t have much choice. However, there are some things that you can do to make your laundry days less hassle and even more fun. The trick is optimizing your laundry room organization system so it’s helpful and not a hindrance to you.

Here are some ideas for whipping your laundry room into shape:

  • Boost Organization with Better Storage
  • Improve Workflow with Functional Accessories
  • Add Extra Touches That Are Uplifting

Find out how to turn your laundry room into a space that helps eradicate laundry day blues.

Boost Organization with Better Storage

If your laundry room is messy or even chaotically disorganized, don’t worry. You’re not alone, and your problem is fixable. What you need is better storage options in your laundry room.

Adequate shelving in the room will allow you to store things like detergent, fabric softener, and bleach. You can put these away neatly rather than just leaving them on top of the washer or dryer or wherever you can find space. Wire baskets or plastic bins can help you separate these items so it’s always easy to grab the thing you need as well as corral items that may not necessarily stay on the shelf easily, like dryer balls that catch lint or other small items.

If piles of clothing around the laundry room are one of your issues, a laundry organization system is a simple solution. You can have hampers installed that allow you to sort the clothes into whites, colors, and delicates. You can even have space-saving tilt-out hampers installed if your laundry room is small and you need to preserve more room.

Laundry Room Organization System

Improve Workflow With Functional Accessories

Once you’ve taken care of laundry room storage, you probably need to start considering laundry room function. After all, it’s primarily a room dedicated to doing a specific activity, not a storage room. Functional accessories can make your work in that room easier.

Are you always dragging the laundry to the living room or one of the bedrooms to fold? Isn’t that a waste of time or inconvenient to the other people who might be using those spaces? Instead, you can install a fold-down table right in the laundry room. These have hinges that allow you to fold them down, out of the way, when they’re not being used, giving you more space. You can also install valet rods for hanging wet or dry clothes, rather than letting them wrinkle until you get them to the closet to hang them.

Fold-out ironing boards are another space-saving feature that can help you turn your laundry room into a one-stop laundry location. Rather than having to leave to iron, you can take care of that as soon as you remove your clothes from the machine. You should also make it a point to store other clothing care items you may need in the laundry room. Use your new shelves, bins, or baskets to store a sewing kit, spare buttons, safety pins, and other small items that you might need for clothing care. That way, you can take care of everything all at once, right there in the laundry room.

Laundry Room Organization System

Add Extra Touches That Are Uplifting

Even people who find the repetitive motions of folding and hanging soothing for a while often start to find it monotonous eventually. However, as long as you’re renovating the laundry room, why not add features to make the task less of a chore?

Something as simple as painting the walls can make a big difference. Repetitively folding clothes for a long period while looking at blank grey or beige walls can feel boring. According to Color Meanings, there are seven “happy colors” that have various effects on a person’s emotions and mood. Yellow can make you remember pleasant things and increase your energy levels. Light blue evokes serenity. Orange is the color of positive energy. Pick a happy color for your laundry room walls to boost your mood while you’re in there. Hang some artwork or pictures on the walls, too, so that you’re not just staring at the blank walls.

You should also think about bringing some entertainment into the laundry room. This can be as simple as setting a Bluetooth speaker on a high shelf so you can connect it to your phone and blast music while you work, or as complex as installing a smart home system that puts in screens and speaker systems that sync from room to room, so you can go about your chores, including in the laundry room, without missing anything. There are a lot of different options, but no matter which way you go, some audio or visual entertainment will make laundry day seem to go by faster.


A disorganized laundry room that slows you down isn’t just a fact of life. Speed things up with storage options that make the space more accessible, functional accessories that improve your workflow, and extra touches that make the space more fun and appealing to spend time in.


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