Blog Post

Get Your Custom Closets Organized With These Little-Known Tricks

Mike Merritt • Feb 13, 2023
Get Your Custom Closets Organized With These Little-Known Tricks

There are some obvious steps you can take to keep your closets neat and tidy, like setting a schedule for tidying up or removing clothes that you no longer wear. However, if you’re finding that’s not enough to keep your closet clean and uncluttered, you may need some next-level strategies.

Here are some custom closet organization tips that only intrepid closet organizers know!

  • Use Dividers for Shelves and Drawers
  • Add Another Hanging Rod
  • Roll Instead of Folding
  • Store a Stepladder

Take a look at some little-known ways to get your custom closet organized and under control.

Use Dividers for Shelves and Drawers

When you stack clothes on a shelf or arrange them in a drawer, you probably make sure they’re neat and separated. Once you start taking things off shelves and moving them around or opening, closing, and looking through drawers, though, the order starts to unravel. Soon, you have a shelf or drawer full of unfolded and wrinkled clothes. What went wrong?

It’s difficult to avoid disturbing your neat stacks when you need something on the bottom or at the back of the shelf or drawer. However, the more separated one stack is from the next one, the less you’ll end up disturbing as you use your shelf and drawer space. Use dividers for both shelves and drawers so instead of multiple stacks that affect each other as things are moved around, each individual stack has a barrier on each side. This prevents the different stacks from mingling and also limits how much the things in each section can move around, keeping the items neater.

Divided Shelves

Add Another Hanging Rod

Hanging clothes are part of every clothes closet, but when there are too many hanging clothes, it’s difficult to move them or even see exactly where specific items are. You can give yourself more room and make your clothes more accessible by adding another clothing rod.

Depending on the size and shape of your closet, you may be able to add a rod to a different wall in the closet space. If that’s not an option, though, you can always create two rows of hanging clothes by positioning one rod underneath the other. Move one rod slightly higher than the usual height and position the other one a few feet below that, so you have an upper and lower level of hanging clothes. Separate the clothes by using one rod for tops and the other for bottoms. This also makes pairing outfits an easier task.

Roll Instead of Folding

Are you still folding all of your clothes as you put them away? There are other options, and while some of those involve complicated and possibly intimidating folding techniques, at least one is fairly simple – just roll your clothes instead of folding them.

House Beautiful explains that rolling can maximize limited drawer space and suggests a couple of different rolling techniques, like army rolling and burrito wrapping. Rolling is simple and doesn’t have the learning curve that vertical folding has, and rolled clothes can be stored vertically as well, which makes choosing the item that you want easier. This method also helps to decrease the incidence of wrinkles and creases in your clothes, so not only will you have more space, but you’ll be able to count on your item being ready to wear when you need it.

Custom Closets System

Store a Stepladder

Has this ever happened to you? You have a sweater, box, or blanket that needs to be stored on a high shelf in the closet. However, you can’t reach the highest shelves of the closet from the floor, so you put the item down "for now." Days pass, then weeks, and you might find yourself adding other items that need to be stored up high. Soon enough, you have a permanent pile of items on the floor or on a chair.

This is how closet organization deteriorates. Instead of letting this happen to you, store a small step ladder in a corner of the closet or on a hook on the wall. That way, you can always put things away as soon as you’re done with them, and you can get items off the top shelf right when you need them.


Keeping your closet organized isn’t always intuitive. You may need extra closet accessories or different strategies. Think about what happens right before your closet starts to get messy and use some creativity to address whatever problem is causing the mess.


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