Blog Post

14 Simple Home Organization & Storage Ideas

Mike Merritt • Feb 22, 2021
Custom Living Room Cabinets
Clutter has a way of piling up without you even realizing it. If your home is feeling crowded, it may be time to organize it. While home organization can be overwhelming, the right tools and strategies can make this task easier.  

Maximize your space and put some order back in your home with these easy home organization and storage ideas.

1. Declutter

Before you start organizing, declutter and purge your home of items you no longer want or need. Many professional organizers advise getting rid of items you haven’t used in at least a year.

2. Start in One Room

If you have several areas to organize, don’t try to tackle them all at once. It’s too daunting, and you may give up before you begin. Starting in one room keeps the task manageable. Select an area that is the most challenging or most frequently used. Once you complete one room, take time to celebrate your accomplishment before moving on to the next area.

Pile of Jeans

3. Assign Everything a Place

Give each item in your home a permanent spot. If you take an item out, make sure it goes back to its assigned home.

4. Divide Your Drawers

Boost your storage capacity and organization by installing drawer dividers. Because dividers create separate categories instantly, everything in the drawers will have a place. You can use them in every room of your home.

Divided Drawer

5. Consider Clear Storage Containers

Whether it’s canisters for your pantry or large plastic bins in your garage, clear storage containers will help you stay organized. Using clear containers saves time because you can see what you need and access it quickly.

6. Create a Portable Cleaning Station

The Spruce suggests organizing all of your cleaning supplies in a caddy to create a “grab-and-go” cleaning station. Not only will you have everything needed to clean your home in one place, but it's also easy to maneuver to different areas.


7. Install Wall Hooks Everywhere

Hooks are ideal for taking advantage of vertical space throughout your home. Inexpensive and easy-to-install, hooks come in various sizes and colors to fit all of your storage needs.  Mount hooks to walls, doors, cabinets, or any vertical surfaces in your home. 

Use hooks behind the bathroom doors to hold a robe or towel or in your closet to hold handbags or other accessories. In the kitchen, hang pots and pans on hooks near the stove, and in the entryway, use hooks on the wall to hold coats, keys, and dog leashes.

8. Be Seasonal

Stop wasting valuable closet space with off-season clothing and accessories. Sort your clothing by season and only keep current season items in your closet. Remove the off-season clothing and store them under your bed or in a trunk in your room.


9. Make the Most of Your Closets

Closet space is usually at a premium in most homes, but there is a way to open up more room. Custom closet systems can help maximize space and solve your storage challenges, especially in smaller-sized homes. You can install custom closet systems in any size closet in your home, including bathrooms, bedrooms, and pantries, and even small hallway closets.

10. Utilize Furniture as Storage

Add more space by using living room furniture such as trunks, benches, coffee tables, and ottomans as storage. Use this extra storage space for blankets, electronics, etc.

Stack of Towels

11. Employ Towels as Bathroom Decor

Your towels can do double duty as your bathroom decor. The Budget Decorator recommends adding a little style to your bathroom by “rolling towels” and placing them in baskets.

12. Keep Kitchen Counters Clutter-Free

The kitchen counter is often the catchall space. Appliances, food, mail, gadgets, and other items are usually placed on the counter, giving your kitchen a messy, disorganized look. If you do need to use the counter as storage, only keep frequently-used items nearby.


13. Optimize Floor Space

Floors are typically a default spot for larger items you aren’t sure where to store. Instead of adding more clutter, avoid using the floors for storage, except for furniture and rugs. Open floor space makes rooms feel bigger and less crowded. If you must use the floor, put items in decorative baskets or bins.

14. Clear Out Bathroom Cabinets

Open up storage space in your bathroom cabinets and drawers by sifting through toiletries, cosmetics, and other personal care products at least once a month. Throw away any expired, ineffective or unused items.


Clutter and chaos don’t have to rule your home. While organizing feels like a monumental task, it doesn’t need to be. Use the ideas in this article to restore order and efficiency to your living space.


Life Uncluttered
Leawood, KS 66224

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